Friday, March 21, 2014

Grown-Up Time

Greetings Internet! Today I want to talk about growing up. Something that us millennials like to talk about quite often. I'm 24 and in many situations I feel like an adult. A semi-clueless one, but still included and equal with everyone else in the room. But sometimes I'm put in situations where I feel like I will never be seen as a grown up, even thought I basically am one.

So my mom has been involved with this organization in New York since way before I was born. It's called the Inner Circle and it's kind of like NYCs answer to the White House press correspondents dinner. I grew up going to their rehearsals and playing don't touch the floor in city hall and in the ballroom at the Hilton hotel. Then when I got to high school it wasn't cool anymore to go hang with them, plus I had my own friends, so I would only go to the dress rehearsal and then the real show. So from the time I was 15 til probably last year I've been going to this fancy gala on a Saturday night each spring and spent a few hours drinking free booze and being talked down to. Probably not intentionally but that's how it always felt.

Now I live in Brooklyn and have sort of taken advantage of the fact that my mom has been around rehearsing for her show. She sometimes brings things into the city for me and I'll drop some stuff of for her. It's been really nice. I've chatted with some newer members and they've treated me like an adult because they didn't know me when I was a nine year old so that's been pretty cool. But last night something awesome happened. One of the members who used to watch me run around like a nutcase when I was a kid was really nice. I mean everyone is always nice, but it was different this time. I sat down to tell her that her two year old daughter is awesome and we ended up just chatting for awhile. Not just asking me how school is going and how my sisters are. It felt like a real adult conversation. I didn't even realize that everyone else was still treating me like a kid until that conversation happened. So big thanks to her for making me feel included. And also break legs to all the IC members on the show this weekend. I'll be cheering you all on.

Til Next Time
Alice, like Wonderland

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