Wednesday, April 30, 2014

"Mean Girls" and Cute Boys

Two topics have been on my mind today. The cultural phenomenon that is "Mean Girls" and my taste in men and how it has drastically changed.

First things first, as many of you know today marks the 10th anniversary of "Mean Girls." Which means that ten years ago today, a bunch of girls from my eighth grade class and I went to the movies right after school and spent 97 minutes laughing and smiling and soaking up every line of the film. It is arguably the most quotable film of our generation. I think I hear at least one quote a day, whether it be "you can't sit with us," "Boo, you whore," or the ever popular "she doesn't even go here!"

Tina Fey wrote a movie that is applicable to every girls life, no matter what clique you were in. It had a positive message that encouraged girls to be nicer to each other, though some of the girls who I went to high school with it saw the movie in a completely different light. They related with the plastics and had stupid rules like the whole wearing pink on Wednesdays thing. But they weren't vicious and didn't make anyone feel personally victimized. They just did it because that was where they saw themselves. Everyone could relate to at least one character in the movie. So that was great.

Fey also wrote a movie that can stay culturally relevant for years to come. Besides the fashion, the Spice Girls reference, and the Christina Aguilera song, the movie doesn't really date itself. It just is. Kids can watch it now and still laugh and see themselves in the characters.

Ok anyway, next topic. Speaking of dating…I have started to realize that my taste in men has really changed. Maybe I'm suffering from the urge to merge. Maybe I'm just crazy. Maybe my outlook on life and love has opened up to all possibilities. Maybe I'm totally and completely desperate. I can look at almost any man on the street and find something appealing about him. Find some reason why I would want to go on a date with him. I will say that a boy is cute and have my younger friends scoff at my opinion. I think maybe I'm starting to get more realistic with my expectations. I'm not going to meet and marry Zac Efron or Jon Snow or Leo DiCaprio. It's not going to happen for me that way. I'm going to meet and marry a totally normal looking and normal guy. And I'm starting to find normal pretty sexy.

Thats it for now. I just wanted to post something other than pictures of myself for once. Also, I'm doing a cleanse right now. I will be done with it on Friday at midnight (if we want to get technical here) and am going to write a review of it on Saturday. And of course Selfie Saturday on Sunday morning will be a thing.

Til next time!
Alice, like Wonderland

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